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can and will recover from emotional disasters. It’s kind of fun, entertaining, quick witted spontaneous activity in full panoramic view for anybody who wants to watch you put on a show.

The fourth house is all about tremendous materialization—-Turning intangible force into tangible form.—- Yeah! MONEY! Property. Possessions. That’s right good old sexual activity at it’s finest, too. What ideal creations will you bring to the table? (World) Written right here in bold mitotic letters are the instructions for your creative endeavors. Pretty simple, huh? But, there’s just one little glitch: you must cross the land of the barren unproductive devouringly uninteresting pointless fruitless unmanageable unsettling unnerving devastatingly debasing hardship whereby the end of calamity is no where is sight. The point is to show you that you’re made of flesh and bones which bleeds and breaks.

Your secret coded power switch is a two way lever located in the fourth house directly under the heading: Beware; warning! Your idealized illusions are about to be shattered. Brace for resounding shock. The obfuscated episodes involve hideous secrets revolving around parents (mother, most especially) marriage, family, friends, birth situations, and of course ‘flesh piercing’ denials, loss and tribulation for a season. Your fourth house is the foundation upon which you build your entire life! No other house offers what the fourth house can.

You are literally in a symbolic monastery learning the ways and means of how the best way to serve your time on earth. The other part of the secret coded lever involves total and absolute forgiveness and releasing all grudges for whatever is perceived as having been perpetrated against you. No way

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