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Two Habits That Spell Disaster for Your Finances

In today’s culture, it’s very easy to compartmentalize our lives. In fact, many organization specialists say that this is the best way to keep track of the many elements of our busy lives. That’s because having a system works.

But you need to keep in mind that all the areas of your life are linked. For instance, poor relationships can cause serious health problems. And poor parenting skills will hurt your children’s chances for success.

Well, your finances are part of your overall world. When other areas are negatively hit, it causes serious problems with your finances. With that in mind, there are two habits most people don’t connect to finances, but I’ve found will often cause major financial trouble.

The two habits are not going to church and sexual immorality. I know that sounds off the wall. Most of you are probably saying, “Those have nothing to do with finances.” But they do. In fact, I’ve seen how both of them can work together to destroy your finances.

While this principle is one I’ve seen over and over again in practice, there is a Scriptural basis for the connection. Hebrews 13:1 says, “Let love of the brethren continue,” which means you need to continue fellowshipping with believers on a regular basis. Then in verse 4, the same chapter discusses adultery. And verse 5 discusses the love of money.

While these verses don’t draw a direct connection, it does discuss them together. And I believe the practical connection illustrates a biblical truth: When Christians stop going to church and fellowshipping with believers, they fall into all kinds of trouble. And the consequences of their sin often result in financial problems.

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