In fact, in my experience, I’ve seen immorality push people out of church. And I’ve seen it destroy their finances. I know of one couple that recently divorced because of marital infidelity and both of them are struggling financially. And, at one point, both of them pulled out of their church.
I’ve seen other cases where a Christian couple wasn’t tied into a church and the husband got involved in Internet immorality. He soon lost his job and put his family in serious financial trouble.
One habit doesn’t necessarily mean the others will always happen. I’ve seen very godly people who were very involved in church go through terrible financial times (Job is a great example). But, as trends go, I’ve seen a lot of cases where all three go hand in hand.
The good news is you can save yourself from a lot of heartache and financial ruin simply by staying closely plugged into a group of Bible-believing Christians. They can help you stay out of immoral situations with personal accountability and help you through any tough times that do come along.
Steve Kroening writes for Success magazine and also publishes Wisdom’s Edge. You can get Biblical tips on health, finance, relationships, parenting, and success, delivered to your email inbox every week. Simply visit http://www.wisdomsedge.com and sign up for this free e-zine.
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