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Two Major Illusions

Coming into the third dimensional world, as we all have, had to be a shock! Since we are spirit beings from the 4th or 13th dimension (who remembers or knows?) we WERE before we existed here. That’s as far as my current language can take me, so let’s deal with what’s apparent and leave what might have been to the higher vibrational ones.  🙂 

Now that we’re here, and now that I’ve been around in this physical form for some six decades, I have come to a few conclusions. The biggie is that none of us are separated from God. How could we be? We have been created in the image of our Maker, we are of the same substance (even though we added some baggage upon arrive on planet earth). And I’m banking on Paul being right when he said God would never leave us nor forsake us.

Of course Paul is credited with saying a lot of other things too!  🙁

What has developed as a result of this seeming separation that the church has taught is a two fold ILLUSION! Looking at the shape of this here on earth many have come to the conclusion (can you say illusion?) that God is a figment of our imagination. How could a loving God, or even a somewhat interested in the affairs of the world God allow such things as we see going on? That’s exactly what brought Bart Ehrman down from his Christian beliefs and into the camp of the agnostics. Maybe there isn’t a God- maybe there is.

Ah, who really knows!

The second ILLUSION is that if there is a God he falls under the category of a “theistic God”. God is out there- somewhere! And every now and then he (of course God is a male- it takes a man to be God) responds to our prayers and intervenes in the affairs of man. Okay, enough of the two ILLUSIONS.

Here’s why I call

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