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Lucifer is the “light-bearer” what does this mean? Most Luciferian’s believe this means Satan is the light. Sadly, these lost and deceived do not know this truly means: AS JESUS CHRIST BEARED THE DARKNESS OF OUR SINS- So too must Lucifer bear GOD’S true light. Lucifer has twisted this as he twists all truth into deceiving those whom follow him that he is the light. And his followers believe he is and the rightful king of this world. Lucifer can only achieve this deception on the whole world by destroying the light of God’s followers- thus those left will believe he is the light. Lucifer gives worldly reward to his followers- then snatches it away (of course) because his time is short and he needs his resources to get more followers. Many are waking up to this and abandoning him. Watch how those who were successful and in power begin to look exactly like what they are!!! God said this would happen and said they would wail and tremble as the truth is revealed! All we can do and must do- is help those who fall away from Satan’s grasp and let them know that no matter what they have done as long as they are no longer in the service of Lucifer- they can be born again in Jesus Christ and reclaim a new soul filled with His HOLY SPIRIT. This is 100% true. We cannot let the lost straddle the fence. Satan hates it when anyone speaks about him that is in his following or that reveals his evil plans. Jesus Christ encourages us to reveal His Word as He has no secrets. There are no
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Edited for YouTube, here is a pagan wedding and celebration performed in the New York countryside.

25 Responses to Understanding Lucifer is knowing the ENEMY!

  • KiwiDynasty says:

    @QueenDemonDoll Of course, you could always get married at the justice of the peace so your married in the eyes of the govermeny and THEN have a handfast ceremony and be married in the eyes of the goddess.

  • witchcerridwen says:

    beautiful and blessings to the couple.

  • ukmaggot says:

    I love how they can laugh, Blessed be and Namaste )O(

  • rorileafwillow says:

    I wish they would have called the corners.
    I definitely want to invoke the God and Goddess at my hand fasting

  • alanamorgana says:

    Lindo e harmonioso casamento pagão!
    Blessed be!

  • NicoleDurrose says:

    I hope I can have a handfasting some day! So romantic =)

    Blessed Be

  • RevJohn says:

    My wife can perform a legally binding pagan wedding, being an ordained pagan minister in the state of New York.

  • USMCGalSteph says:

    This was absolutly beutiful. Me and my Fiance wan’t to do a handfasting as well and this help give me some ideas.

    Blessed be

  • Kierakittie says:

    religion is not what legally binds you.. A court paper does. You dont need a ceremony at all to get one, and be legally together..

  • HipsyGypsy93 says:

    Carrickfergus 😉

  • venusondrugs says:

    Beautiful, congratulations and be blessed!

  • Ricepuppet says:

    I just said that 30 minutes ago to a Christian (really, no joke)

  • QueenDemonDoll says:

    so beautiful! Thank you for sharing this! Just wondering, how can one still have a pagan wedding but also have it legaly binding as well? Thank you.

  • Katiegirl500 says:

    Beautiful! Thank you for posting this, I’m getting married in July and have been looking for more info on Pagan weddings. 🙂

  • waterwitch15 says:

    this is how i want to be married!

  • darkangel6708 says:

    so mote it be =:)

  • darkangel6708 says:

    it would be an honor to be marrried like the eyes of the goodess

    blessed be

  • Poopdoodle101 says:

    Aw, this is the prettiest ‘wedding’ ive ever seen. i want to get married like this someday =)
    Blessed Be

  • Antinous89 says:

    And it harm none, do what you will. Is not as loose of a moral code as non pagans seem to think it is, and I fail to see your logic DiamondHobbit when you say we can get away with murder that pretty much is blatantly hurting someone. Not to mention that with a simple phrase we have pretty much all of the ten comandments covered.
    I realise our spiritual practices are different but I respect yours please offer me the same courtesy.

  • UlenTheWise says:

    I wish it were that easy. Alot of people are prancing around saying things like, “Oh my religion is better than yours for this reason or that reason.” I just think we all should shut up about which religion is better, and just accept everyone.

  • kark16 says:

    This is just beautiful.

    This is how me and my boyfriend are going to get married in a few years. 🙂

  • hazelhostility says:

    Thank you.

  • bedtangirl says:

    Can’t we all just get along. Rules or no rules. There should be one, The golden rule 🙂

  • DarkBeauty911 says:

    That was quite fascinating…being Catholic, I’ve only seen traditional weddings. But this was absolutely beautiful! Wicca is a very fascinating religion.

  • DiamondHobbit says:

    God gave us the details – if He didn’t we’d find loopholes, which humanity tries to do. There’s a huge gap for loopholes in your system…so therefore, no set code…you basically would get away with murder. Think about it.

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