your tuning to your inner self would grow stronger allowing you to “feel” what the cards are trying to tell you. Many excellent psychics felt that in the beginning they were not attuned well enough to their sixth sense and therefore were unable to “see” the predictions accurately. The time that it takes to accept and draw upon these powers, depend from person to person. While for some it may be a short 2-3 year period, others take decades before they come into their elements.
The intuition is important because this is what actually tells the story, not the cards. The latter are just a means to an end. Anyone can lay a Celtic Cross spread and read out the meaning of each card. However, this is not the whole story; often, this would not even be the tip of the iceberg. The intuition is what makes the psychic understand the language of cards and translate it for you. The tarot spread illustrations is nothing but a fun game, without the sixth sense of the psychic. This is the hidden ingredient, which is able to draw the complete and accurate picture from a spread.
Nobody says it is easy to be a psychic; on the other hand, it is not too difficult either. If you have these two basic ingredients, nothing can stop you from becoming a successful psychic.
Craig Malone is a writer for Visit, the online home of America’s Top Psychic, Sylvia Browne. Get a psychic reading for free at
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