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Unprescibed Unnecessary Exaltation Produces Holy Sanctified Boring Pretense

MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: How To Worship Humanely

In order to embrace that which is the elevated sacred part of your flesh and bone make-up, that you refer and define as God, you must dissolve any singular ‘superimposed’ idea you have about him/her/it. Your preset ‘pretty unruffled’ ideas preclude any semblance of validated truth you may be able to gather from the mind altering body liberating soul infusing experience of peeling back the layers of conditioned thought and accumulated religious debris. It’s not hard to do; just scary. When you are so identified and attached to certain consecrated notions, the mere mention of shifting them around brings on the feelings of desecration, blasphemy almost to the point of ‘devil’ worship. Your existing belief system is so fragile, just a mere whiff of a strong wind of the unsavory, unconventional, unaccepted, and unappeased flavor sends your house of worship crumbling. Touch anything you have but not your precious devout convictions!

God, (no matter how referenced) does not give a flip about your prized cherished holy convictions! As astounding and paralyzing as that may sound to your dainty little ears of resolved sincerity, “…Truth (God) is no respecter of persons…” (Paraphrased) It’s a new day and a new hour. And, with this newness arises the compelling truth that ALL-including every little devastating, devoured, debased, demoralized, demented, and destructible facet of life’s bitter and callous journey is part of the impenetrable glorious renderings of God. You either accept ‘all’ of your life as completely unalterably beautiful and divinely perfected or you dispense of the notion altogether. The idea of good things happening and bad things happening is

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