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Hello, and Welcome to another sneak peek into PlayStation 3 Exclusives. This time we take a look at a decent launch title, Untold Legends Dark Kingdom. Untold Legends Dark Kingdom is a hack n slash game (like the PSP versions) that launched with the PS3 back in November 2006 and was a pretty neat game for its time. It has a few flaws that were minor but overall was a nice game, especially online. In the game you can choose one of three characters. The Warrior, Scout, or Mage and all 3 have different attributes. Of coarse the Warrior uses the weapons well and has great armor but is kinda slow moving and is limited on any magic. The Mage is powerful and has devastating magic spells, but is weak overall and has crap armor. The Scout is an in between, quick and nimble but weak attacks. The graphics in the game are pretty decent overall for this type of game, with nice scenery and decent water effects. The magic effects are also decent enough. I liked the bosses in the game although I found the end boss REALLY hard playing the Warrior solo, but was able to beat it after numerous tries. Online mode was much more fun to play than the single player campaign, but lack of headset capability made communication a bitch. The sound quality was also pretty decent, and the music in the game is well orchestrated and sounds very good. The controls in the game are also pretty good and it has quite a few combos you can learn by the end of the game. There is also a lot of Armour and Weapons
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Untold Legends Dark Kingdom for PlayStation 3

  • Fakk28 says:

    @cjrondo888 Ouch!, so what RPGs do you advise us that can’t stand Oblivion, or Fables? To me, both were just dreadful. I haven’t yet even messed around with Dragons Age, but it looks very mediocre for an RPG IMO. This generation is just plain dead on decent RPGs other than White Knight Chronicles and Demons Souls, IMO of coarse.

  • cjrondo888 says:

    @sh6ag6ra6th depends what type of rpg u like. I have this game and personally id say its more like a action/adventure game rather than a rpg. theres no free roam of back tracking you just play through linear levels upgrading your stats as u go along. As rpgs go for consoles Oblivion is the best by far, Fables starting to lose it but is still a decent game and Dragon Age Origins was quite fun. Next year Dragon Age 2 and Two Worlds 2 r coming out and both look pretty sweet.

  • Fakk28 says:

    @PSNXxBarretxX Only Valve knows for sure, and they sure are loving Sonys machine right about now.

  • PSNXxBarretxX says:

    PS3 is NOT getting every game on steam

  • sh6ag6ra6th says:

    do anyone know other gams like this, RPGs for playstation3?

  • cjrondo888 says:

    @kidkong584 I suppose you r refering to Halo Reach and Fable 3 which were both so bad ps3 users didnt even need to troll them cause they were already copping so much crap from 360 users.

  • florintheps3boy says:

    @rexraptor5000 wow i never think that if i would buy a xbox 360 i would make a mistake cuz i have a friend who has a xbox360 and its soo cool but i think it’s cool only because i don’t have it…. and when im gonna buy a xbox and play for like 5 hours i will be like” you know im kinda bored of xbox 360″ that will be stupid.

  • MegaStarhawk says:

    @WTFKoduBear fanboooy XD j/k

  • iamlegend901 says:

    this game is ass -_-

  • Fakk28 says:

    @IWishMyNameWasIggins That depends on if you want to replay the game as the other 2 characters. It also depends on how much you like playing games like this, and how much time you have on your hands to play it.

  • IWishMyNameWasIggins says:

    is this game fun still after you beat it? like is there anything to buy, or is a game I should just rent, beat, return.

  • plus154 says:

    i want chanpions of norrath 3 … 🙁

  • Fakk28 says:

    @green49285 It was for its time. And if you like these games, you might still really like it.

  • Fakk28 says:

    @TheKhaosdogg I guess you don’t understand how things work. You start with a little thing, like getting steam to work on PS3, and add one game to it at a time. It’s called “future availability”. You see, the PS3 has a future ahead of it still. Steam is all a part of it, along with every game on it. You can shake your head, and disbelieve it all you want, but it is still a fact you will indeed be coming to terms with soon.

    Valve is like any company, and they know the PS3 is the future for them.

  • TheKhaosdogg says:

    @Fakk28 Well, I googled ‘Steam on PS3’, I read a few articles, but the one thing I didn’t find is ”all games pre-excisting on PC Steam will be available on PS3 Steam”.
    Don’t start calling me an Xbox fanboy, while I do own only an Xbox 360, I don’t take sides.

  • green49285 says:

    i just bought this game, what do you think about it? is it a fun time-passer?

  • letmemakeausername says:

    hmm i want this game, ive finished both untold legends games on psp and i dont have a ps3 so im kinda depressed cuase i really enjoyed the first 2 games of this

  • WTFKoduBear says:

    @kidkong584 You know, kid, your really fucking stupid. PS3 has no big named exclusives? Infamous, Killzone 2, Resistance 1+2, MGS4, Ratchet and Clank, God of War 3. Quit your 12 year old trolling and get the fuck off of youtube.

  • Fakk28 says:

    @kidkong584 Also, please realize something, so you can tell all your die hard Xbox360 friends. Valve is working with Sony to make Steam, and Steamworks available on the PS3.

    If you did 1 second of Google searching and looked up Steam on PS3, you will find “Valve is bringing Steam to PS3”.

    What this truly means is, very soon, believe it or not, ALL games on Steam will be available on PS3, at Steam prices! Go to Steams website and look.

    Your precious little Left for Dead 1 and 2 are there also.

  • Fakk28 says:

    @kidkong584 I now realize your here just to troll, to see how many people get sick of your little 12 year old babble.

    BTW, before I ban your annoying dumb ass, there is one thing you should know.

    Metacritic Score for Xbox 360 Left 4 Dead = 89 User Score 7.8
    Metacritic Score for Xbox 360 Left 4 Dead 2 = 89 User Score 9.0
    Metacritic Score for Xbox 360 Portal = 90
    Metacritic Score for PC Portal = 90 User Score 9.6

    You, son, need to do some research, and stop being a little tween Xbot.

  • kidkong584 says:

    you ain’t backing up shit here either! those names are very rarely heard of and i mean seriouslly i looked it up and your trying to compare a game like portal which seems like a game that nobody knows about seeing as how few views it has to an amazing game like left 4 dead? wow epic fail right there

  • Fakk28 says:

    @kidkong584 Wow, so now your resorting to 12 year old comments, and can’t back up shit. yeah, typical little tween Xbox boys. You’ve never heard of Dead Space, or Portal? lol And you think you’re a gamer? Nice try kid. Microsoft failed this gen like last gen. Enjoy playing with Skittles! 🙂

    It’s funny, you have heard of Left 4 Dead, but not Portal. They are both made by Valve. And Portal is by far a better game than L4D. But it doesn’t matter, Valve is multiplat now, and PS3 has Steam.

  • kidkong584 says:

    medal of honor? omg that new game looks like shit. i’ve never heard of those other games. ps3 has no big named exclusives where microsoft has all of these hugeeee names.

  • Fakk28 says:

    @kidkong584 Yeah, that’s pretty sad. Microsoft is basically throwing in the towel at this point. I mean, all they could muster up was 1 exclusivity deal with Activision to get DLC for Call of Duty series a month or two before the PS3 gets it. ooooh, I’m impressed.

    Meanwhile PS3 got all the rest of the exclusivity deals. Mafia 2, Dead Space 2, Medal of Honor, and Portal 2 are best on PS3. Face it, Microsoft is riding on Kinect, which we all know will fail. Once Valve turned on 360, it was over.

  • kidkong584 says:

    did you hear about the deal that activision made with microsoft though?

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