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Using a Pendulum to Clarify Answers and Assist in Releasing Blocked Chakras

Many people would like to use a Pendulum to help them with their healing work, but are unsure how it should be used. It is very simple if you follow these simple steps.

Hold it between your thumb and index finger using whichever hand is most comfortable. Relax! It is important to let the natural vibrations of your body move the Pendulum – your sub-conscious knows what you need to know. It will show you the answer by picking up and amplifying the subtle vibrations from your sub-conscious, causing it to swing!

You can ask any question to get a YES or NO answer. If your Pendulum swings clock-wise this is usually considered YES, counter-clockwise usually indicates NO. Moving backwards and forwards, side to side or staying still usually means NOT SURE.

Ask something that is true: Note what the response is. This will give you a YES. Now ask something that you know is not true: Note what the response is. This will give you a NO. Always use your Pendulum accepting the answers based on the way it swings.

This can provide a good second opinion. It uses your own energy and as such should not be touched by others who may impart their vibrations thereby reducing its reliability. Keep it with you as much as possible to have it absorb your own energies. Ask simple questions that will help build your trust in the answers.

You can only ask questions with either a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, so structure your question properly. ‘Will I get a new job?’ is a good question. The answer can be a definite ‘yes’, or ‘no’. ‘Should I stay at this job or leave?’ does not enable the answer to be either ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Ask ‘Should I

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