Using Chakra Stones for Effective and Non-Invasive Healing
Traditional Eastern medicine practitioners believe that the human body contains a vast network of pathways through which life energy flows. These pathways, or meridians, as they are known, run throughout the body in intricate, regular patterns. Anyone familiar with acupuncture, for example, knows that acupuncturists are intimately familiar with this “energy map” of the body, and use it to redirect life energy, known as chi, or qi, to the proper areas of the body to promote healing and well-being.
At regular intervals along these meridians are areas of concentrated centers of energy called chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means “spinning wheel of light.” There are seven main chakras (and many smaller ones throughout the body), which are: the first, or root chakra, found at the base of the spine; the second, or sacral chakra, in the pelvic area; the third chakra, known as the solar plexus; the fourth, or heart chakra; the fifth, or throat chakra; the sixth chakra, called the third eye; and the seventh, or crown chakra.
Each chakra has its own vibrational energy, which corresponds to particular areas of the body, and is characterized by a color and stone which share that vibration. Energy in the chakras can become out-of-balance, causing various physical ailments and emotional disturbances.
By balancing the chakras so they have the appropriate levels of energy – which can be too high, too low, or the flow of energy blocked – the body and mind are brought back into a harmonious state in which they function at their peak.
Chakra stones are naturally-occurring stones that correspond in color and vibrational frequency to each chakra. For example, the crown
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