chakra consists of energy that has a violet-colored vibration. One of the corresponding stones for the crown chakra is amethyst, which is violet-colored, and shares the same energy frequency as the crown chakra.
Chakra stones are one way to achieve balance among the chakras. This is done by placing the appropriate stones on the body at the area of the corresponding chakra. The desired effect of balance is best achieved if one is first in a meditative state and then visualizes the various-colored chakras spinning one at a time, in balanced sizes. Or, a hand can be placed over the stone while it rests on the area of the chakra, and a meditation done separately for each chakra.
There are many chakra stone meditations that can be found online and in books. There is really no best way to use them; it is a matter of personal choice. All meditations work better when they fit a person’s style and preference.
To those new to the idea of chakras and chakra stones, it can all sound a little strange, but once they experience the profound feeling of well-being that comes with balanced energy, chakra stones are sure to become a regular part of their health routine!
Shannon Pollock has been teaching people about natural health remedies for many years. She is a specialist with experience in natural remedies for both people and animals.
For more information on the benefits of using chakra stones, as well as other natural health related topics, visit Shannon’s website called Natural Health Remedies and More
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