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Question by jellana k: Using metaphors, what is the image description of the tarot card “The Fool” ? ?

Best answer:

Answer by Fletch oddball Sci-Fi
The answer is hazy, guarded or shrouded wisdom.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

3 Responses to Using metaphors, what is the image description of the tarot card “The Fool” ? ?

  • Stardust says:

    Just starting out.
    On a journey, starting an adventure.
    Don’t know where you’re going, but you are just going and not looking nor paying attention to what’s beneath. Notice the huge drop as the fool is on a cliff.
    Not paying attention to any warnings or signals. Will learn from mistakes. Don’t know your direction or which way to go, as clothes seem to unmatch and be miscoordinated and or backwards. Just starting off. Just starting things off. Don’t know where it will take you but you’re just starting.

    The astrological sign Aries is associated with the Fool. The first sign in the zodiac and the first card in the tarot deck.

  • xxxx says:

    Because of his silences many look down on the Fool. However, the Fool is a Seeker who holds what he learns in his mind until he has perfect knowledge and usage of that Learning.

    Here is a poem of the Fool in one of my plays in which the Tarot is an important part.

    I be the Fool, though I do not drool,
    as some around me do.
    The tales I tell, from my lonely cell,
    speak jabber wocky new.
    High crystal road, when heavy strode,
    breaks tinkling like a bell.
    Then human minds, like old pork rinds,
    do slowly go to gel.

  • Lillith says:

    With out an image I cannot give you metaphores. I use many different decks, so each has their own way about them-
    Here are some key words though.

    Blind Faith
    happy go lucky
    on the edge
    adventurous and explorative

    Aries actually rules the Emperor card, it is Uranus that rules The Fool card
    Uranus’ brief description is Modern thought, Experimentation, New ideas
    Where Aries is Active, Demanding, Determined, Effective, Ambitious- sounds more like an Emperor than a Fool

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