Using Radionics Software For Manifestation
Ever since the popularity of ‘The Secret’, Law of Attraction movie and book, there have been more people than ever working diligently at manifesting their dreams and desires. Some people use vision boards, some use affirmation, some dream planning, some visualization, some hypnosis, and so on. There are many recommended paths to becoming a master of your reality, manifesting what you want in life with ease and harmony.
Many of these manifestation tools, tricks and techniques are highly effective and stand on their own power, and yet, still many people struggle with getting it to work with any reliability. It’s got people wondering, is this so-called ‘law of attraction’ really a law? Or is it more like a crap shoot, or winning the lottery, or being chosen for a great job out of hundreds of applicants?
The problem is, most people have tons of hangups and issues lurking in the shadow of their unconscious mind. This shadow self holds all of these hidden issues. When we work on manifesting what we want in life, what we truly desire in our conscious minds, often we have conflicting negative beliefs buried in our unconscious minds. These unconscious beliefs are very powerful in the way that they order our reality – in a negative way, directly opposed to what we consciously want.
A simple example of this would be the diet merry-go-round that so many people go through. Consciously, they want to be slim and healthy. Unconsciously they struggle with negative self-image, and beliefs that it’s difficult to eat healthy and stay slim. Some of their shadow beliefs set them up for overeating and addictive behavior with food. As a result of these battling issues, they are always struggling with their diet and the size and