The Tarot cards come complete with a predefined corollary to decipher their encrypted meanings but dreams do not. So, in order to decipher your dreams using Tarot cards you must first separate your dream into parts. These parts consisting of dream imagery can then be transposed into Tarot imagery that can be deciphered.
The Final step in interpreting your dreams using Tarot cards is to correlate our separated dream images to corresponding Tarot cards. So, after identifying all the dream imagery and isolating them into parts select the corresponding Tarot cards whose imagery seems to correlate with the overall images in your dream. Then you can form an interpretation form these cards as to what your dream really means to you.
Dreams hold a vast untapped potential to help us decipher what is really going on in our subconscious mind. Utilizing divinatory aids to uncover the true meaning of dreams provides a means to trigger memories and decipher imagery stored in our sleeping state. Utilizing these methods can benefit us by enabling us to see into the realm of subconscious thought we are not privy to in our waking state.
Harnessing the power of our dreams to empower us in our lives can be a rewarding experience. It is fortunate that Tarot cards provide a mystic key to these deepest of inner thoughts. As it is frustrating to have the answers to your deepest questions at your fingertips but have no means to derive relevant meaning from them.
If you are interested in getting a Tarot Reading then plaease visit Frederick Gimino’s site Free Psychic Network. Many free cartomancy oracles are available including minchiate Deck, Rider, Lenromand, and Napoleanic. You may even like to get a psychic reading from a live psychic online. Enjoy!

TRIONFI: TAROT PLAYING CARDS Now available at The Game Crafter! www.thegamecrafter.com These are not your father’s fortune telling Tarot cards! This is an Anglo-American Playing Tarot, a deck of 78 playing cards designed for English speakers to play the Tarot, Tarock, and Tarocchi games of continental Europe. Contrary to popular belief, Tarot cards were not originally intended for predicting the future. Tarot was made for card games which are enjoyed today in places such as France, Italy, Switzerland, and central Europe. These cards are of my own design incorporating images of 19th century European Tarots. Concept & Design by James D. Wickson For more info on the Tarot family of card games: www.tarocchino.com http en.wikipedia.org www.tarotgame.org jducoeur.org www.tarothermit.com www.boardgamegeek.com www.boardgamegeek.com Reglamentos en Español es.wikipedia.org www.acanomas.com www.worldlingo.com www.worldlingo.com
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