www.blogtalkradio.com Heart Vision Quest Vayla Visionary Teacher Healer Seer Mystic Video Rating: 5 / 5
Hi and thanks for answer who is that beautifull being from yours few videos….Vayla Techer of LIGHT,thanks almost to you …
La la la la laaaaaaaaaaa
I often witness butterflies in the energy healings that I facilitate ~
Excellent video…..!!!!!!!
what a wonderful introduction to meet Vayla ! I felt her clearing presence for me here ! Thank you, as ever Rysa hugs
beautiful! the music is great. Can it be purchased online?
beautiful devotional invocation to your personal guiding spirit..thank you for sharing it with us! om shanti…….michelle
What beauty to my ears, eyes & heart Thank you dear Rysa. xxx
In love we shine (^^)(^^)
I love you Vayla
When Vayla speaks my heart listens. Where Vayla walks I follow dancing into the purity of divine love, light, peace and bliss. Namaste!
Stunningly beautiful<3
critical mass!!!
namaste Rysa….xoxox
Stunningly beauty full in All Ways…thank you!
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Hi and thanks for answer who is that beautifull being from yours few videos….Vayla Techer of LIGHT,thanks almost to you …
La la la la laaaaaaaaaaa
I often witness butterflies in the energy healings that I facilitate ~
Excellent video…..!!!!!!!
what a wonderful introduction to meet Vayla ! I felt her clearing presence for me here ! Thank you, as ever Rysa
beautiful! the music is great. Can it be purchased online?
beautiful devotional invocation to your personal guiding spirit..thank you for sharing it with us! om shanti…….michelle
What beauty to my ears, eyes & heart Thank you dear Rysa. xxx
In love we shine (^^)(^^)
I love you Vayla
When Vayla speaks my heart listens. Where Vayla walks I follow dancing into the purity of divine love, light, peace and bliss. Namaste!
Stunningly beautiful<3
critical mass!!!
namaste Rysa….xoxox
Stunningly beauty full in All Ways…thank you!