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Intelligence of a high degree will grace the native. Will be altruistic and liberal.

Moon in the Twelfth House

Will be lazy and devoid of wealth. Will be an outcast. Will have to face a lot of defeats. Will live in foreign lands. Mother’s health may be affected.

More quality information about Vedic Astrology & an Astrological

Analysis can be had from

Astrology and the Science of Numbers ( Numerology )

Can numbers represent Reality? Yes, said Pythagorus. In fact, the mysteries of the Universe and all sciences are contained in numbers! Do we not say that everything is one & do we not use ad infinitum in our talk ? They are numbers !

Relationship between Astrology & Gem Therapy

Medical Astrology finds out the causative factors of diseases and can heal diseases pronounced incurable by conventional medicine. Gem Therapy is an integral part of Medical Astrology.

Heart Diseases

Heart attack is defined as a case of coronary thrombosis. This happens when the heart is unable to to pump blood efficiently to all parts of the body. There are 20 kinds of heart diseases that affect the heart muscles, the valves of the heart or its inner or outer lining. There are a number of functional disorders of the heart. High B P ( hypertension) and hardening of the arteries ( arteriosclerosis ) are severe types. Rheumatic fever is also a type of heart disease. Stellar patterns The 4th and 5th signs of the Zodiac rule over our heart. The 4th house from the Ascendant rules the heart. The causative planets for heart disease are Moon,

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