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understand how self-hate operates on the level of the Unconscious if we observe the way many people abuse their own stomachs, lungs & other vital organs, and the way some people bring ruin upon themselves by yielding to drug addiction & alcoholism. This self-hate acts as an inhibiting factor for most individuals. Success can be achieved, said Dr Maxwell Maltz, if this inhibitive factor is removed from the mind. Most people are unaware of it & drift through life unaware of the self- harm they do. Some of them wake up from this unconscious drifting and begin to have a new attitude – an attitude of love, friendliness and peace towards themselves & their brethren.It actually indicates the dawn of true love for one’s higher Self known as the Atman.

Thanatos was known in Vedanta as Thamas ( the destructive element in man ). Thamas is destructive and self-destructive. By yogic sadhana alone can this Thamas or Thanatos be destroyed.

Yet till evil is slain in its own home

And light invades the world’s inconscient base

And perished is the Adversary force

He ( the Saviour ) must still labour on, his work halfdone! ( Aurobindo )

A good site where you can get quality information about Holistic Medicine is

Ayurveda averrs that Rajas ( humanity ) and Thamas (bestiality ) are the pathogenic factors. Satwa (divinity) is non-pathogenic. So if we take only foods which are Satwic ( like fruits and vegetables – total 400 gms per day) no disease can assail us.

More info about Ayurveda can be had from

Astrology & Yoga Therapy

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