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The Evolution of Medicine & the Three Eras of Medicine

Allopathic Medicine or ” Physical Medicine” belongs to the first era. It is Cartesian and creates a dichotomy between mind & body. Treating a disease is like fixing a part of the machine. The second era of medicine refers to ‘Mind-Body medicine.” It became popular in the 1960s with the advent of Meditation, imagery, hypnosis & bio-feedback. Mind and body are interconnected by messenger molecules and these molecules are invoked to accomplish the healing process.

The third era of Medicine refers to ” Transpersonal Medicine “. It became popular in 1990s with the advent of group support and spirituality to heal.

Yoga therapy supplements the second and the third eras of medicine. Yoga therapy complements medical technology with a holistic system of health care that addresses the triune problems – physical, mental & spiritual. The author of Yoga Sutras, Patanjal, defined it as the Science of the Mind. Mind is the root cause of bondage and in order to redeem us from the thraldom of the mind, we have to annilhilate the mind. Extirpation of thought waves is Yoga. And it is through teaching us to control our mind, our desires, and our reactions to stress, that yoga can fundamentally help us. It is based on the tripod of Life – Body, Mind & Self & the three levels of Being- Doing, Thinking & pure Being.

Astrology determines the time which is auspicious for taking medicines and along with Yoga Therapy can nurse one to back health.

More information about Transcendental Philosophy & Yoga can be

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