Vedic Astrology Xix
Vedic Astrology Lesson 19
The rising of the New Age marked the renaissance of Astrology &
Alternative Sciences. More and more people are now diverting from
Astronomy to Astrology, from Chemistry to Alchemy, from Allopathy
to Alternative Medicine ! The very fact that there are 600,000
New Age sites on the Web proves the veracity of our statement !
Regarding the Fifth House
The Fifth House represents progeny and divine merit. I Q is ruled by the
fifth house.The placement of the Fifth lord in a benefic Sign makes the
native intelligent and meritorious.The reverse may happen if the fifth lord
is weak or is placed in malefic Signs.
The Effect of the Fifth Lord in the Ascendant
Since the 5th lord is in the ascendant the native will be lucky regarding
investments and children.He/she will get happiness from children. They
will establish their scholastic abilities in whatever profession they
choose. They will command a number of servants & will have punitive
powers They will be successes in speculative ventures.
The Effect of the Fifth Lord in the Second House
Since the 5th lord is in the 2nd, gains from speculation indicated.
The native may attain to fame & status at the international level based
on his/her background. He/she will hit headlines of the media one day.
They tend to become overconfident & proud because of the achievements
of their children.Will have a beautiful partner and well behaved kids.
Leadership qualities and