Vedic Astrology Xvi
Vedic Astrology Lesson 16
Regarding the Second House
The second house is the significator of wealth and speech. Domestic happiness is also its signification.
If the second house is a benefic sign and if the second house is tenanted by benefics and if the second lord is in a quadrant or a trine, he will become immensely rich with oratorial prowess.
If the Ascendant lord is weak and if the second lord is weak with malefics posited in 6,8,12 houses, he will be poor and helpless. If the second lord is exalted in a quadrant or trine, and if that sign ispositor is powerfully posited in benefic houses, he will have remendous wealth and will protect a lot of people. If the second lord is aspected by benefics and is posited in a quadrant or trine, he will be handsome. If not, he will be ugly and wicked. If the second lord is aspected by malefics and is with malefics, he will stammer and stutter. If the second lord is with malefics, is posited in the tenth with an afflicted Sun, and if Mars and the Sun are posited in the second house, his speech will be afflicted and he will be rejected by others.
The Effects of the Second Lord in the 12 Houses
The Effects of the Second Lord in the Ist House
As the 2nd lord is in the ascendant the native will be wealthy. But there may be strained relationships with other members of his/her family. He/she wants to be away from home and he/she will long for pleasures outside his/her home and family. The native have to be careful not to get involved in fraudulent transactions. They will be subjected to vicissitudes as financial ups and downs mark their career.