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will be considerable suffering, both physical & mental. The native may secretly resent the loss of childhood innocence & pleasures. The native have to establish unrivalled command on others to retain the image of superiority & self respect.The native will visit pilgrim spots and follow Religion & Philosophy as 9th house represents Wisdom. The native may get legacies & benefits will come from many a source.

The Effects of the Second Lord in the I0th House

As the 2nd lord is in the 10th house the native will have professional expertise in whatever profession he has chosen. The native will have to exercise the maximum temperance & keep away from temptations. The native’s concept of love is that it is physical and corporeal They do not believe in Platonic Love. The native may not get much happiness from progeny. The native will be engaged in many a vocation. The native will do business or take to agriculture The native will also indulge in philosophical dissertations or lectures. As a result the native may get fame, name & largesse.

The Effects of the Second Lord in the 11th House

As the 2nd lord is in the 11th, manifold will be the sources of income The native will attain fame by virtue of his/her diligence. The native’s health will progressively improve. During childhood the native may have health problems. The native can earn money by banking and finance. The native’s self development stuns people and growth generates envy, as both 2nd and 11th represents wealth The native will be sufficiently welloff and above want. As the 11th represents the fulfillment of all desires the second lord posited

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