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filter and re-use its fluids & repair damages to tissues, especially skin and bone, by growing new cells. Modern Science has shown that self-renewal is constantly taking place in every part of the body. Almost all the cells in the body are constantly being replaced by new ones. Somebody said ” I am not the same person I was one year ago”! The entire body gets renewed in this way every year & this shows that it is never too late to regain your health. By changing one’s basic attitudes and way of living, the damage to the body caused by years of misuse & neglect can be overcome. One the great marvels of the universe is the human immune system. Those who are aware of the biochemical processes going on in the body will agree with Walt Whitman ” To me every hour of the day & night is an unspeakably perfect miracle”. Dr Walter Cannon said ” The Wisdom of the body is the most precise of all selective refinements” !

The Components ( Four Units ) of our Immune System

The fourfold immune system consists of the following units;

1 The granulocyte-macrophage unit

2. The lymphocyte unit

3. The antibody unit

4. The complement unit

The first two are varieties of white blood corpuscles, wherein the last two are chemicals, proteins. All the four units of our immune system launch a concerted attack on the invaders as soon as a few bacteria break into any tissue in the body. ( The antibody unit has been defined as an army of one million) Western medical science is wondering who masterminds this attack or who plans these strategies. Common sense, logic, intuition & experience suggest that somewhere behind all this

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