Vedic Astrology Xvii
Vedic Astrology Lesson 17
Regarding the Third House
The third house is the eighth from the eighth. Since the Eighth house represents death, the eighth from the eighth ( the Third House ) is considered dangerous. On the positive side, younger coborns & Help are indicated by the Third House. If the third house is vitiated by malefics, help from others will be found wanting. Here we enumerate the effects of the Third Lord in the 12 Houses
The Effect of the Third Lord in the Ist House
Since the 3rd lord is in the Ascendant, the native is likely to be a selfsufficient and self made person. The native’s intelligence & know ledge will be impressive despite his/her qualifications. He/she will have to learn to control anger which can be his/her greatest enemy. Though their appearance is on the lean side they will exhibit vitality and energy in all critical situations.They tend to be attracted to fine arts & will be drawn to acting, music & dancing
The Effect of the Third Lord in the 2nd House
Since the 3rd lord is in the 2nd, the native may be lazy or lethargic as he/she do not take his/her undertakings seriously. They may also be attracted to their neighbours assets which may be considered to be mischievious by many. Unnatural means of personal gratification may be resorted to by them. Their image may be spoiled by their headstrong behaviour and their extravagance. They may not keep punctuality and they may not also keep up the decencies of debate. They may not have good relations with the younger co-borns. They may have hostile neighbours.
The Effect of the Third Lord in the 3rd House