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may have to bear losses on account of the upbringing of children.Their daughter will bring them better luck. Their mental image of their partner is that of a loving and endearing personalilty. They are adepts at mental gymnastics as they weigh everything & sort out things using a cool and analytical intellect.

Effect of Seventh Lord in the Fourth House

As the 7th lord is in 4th, the native will have a lucky partner who gives a satisfactory married life with children & comforts.They are not the type to enforce their ideas on their partner. They are noble that way and they are good friends always & remain that way forever.If difference of opinion surfaces they clear it out with rapproachment and maintain harmony. Domestic life is built upon the rock in their case.

Effect of Seventh Lord in the Fifth House

As the 7th lord is in 5th, a rich partner is indicated. They will achieve respectability and a majestic position in life. They are born salesmen & shine in marketing . They perform well in jobs where the gift of the gab and travelling are required . Their proper mindset and social skills pave the way for their progress and achievement in life.

Effect of Seventh Lord in the Sixth House

As the 7th lord is in the 6th, marital happiness is under threat. Their partner’s constitution may not be at par with theirs. If they dont test the patience of partner with too much demands / questions everything will go smoothly between them. They will have to incorporate patience & perseverance which ultimately yields good return. Their spouse becomes too sickly & jealous when they demand too much.

Effect of Seventh Lord in

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