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business ventures & legal occupations will come to them. Extravagance comes to the fore & they may indulge in luxury. They have to understand that speculative ventures are generally harmful. The most important years in their life are 17, 24, 31, 33, 40, 43 & 57.

The second decanate of Libra ruled by Saturn

The middle Drekkana of Libra represents a vulture faced man hungry and thirsty, holding a pot which is ready to fall and thinking of his wife and children. This is a Bird decanate and human.

Since the second decanate of Libra is rising they have to prepare to face dire vicissitudes. Many feel that they have resorted to unfair methods to grab money. They can if you try make money out of literature . Beware of unnecessary expenses. They are not interested in the orthodox ways of making money. The important

years in their life are 15, 22, 24, 29, 31, 36, 42, 44 & 51.

The third decanate of Libra ruled by Mercury

The third Drekkana of Libra represents a man, decked with gems, wearing golden quiver and armour and frightening

the animals in the wilderness, resembling a monkey and holding in the hand fruits and flesh.

Since the third decanate of Libra is rising they have fiscal success. They have an aptitude for hotel management. They love music and the fine arts. They may have to struggle hard in early life. Their life will be marked by sudden elations. The most important years in their life are 16,18, 23, 25, 27, 32, 39, 46 & 53.

Article by G Kumar, Astrologer, writer & programmer of Recently he was awarded a

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