melancholic temperament. Unwise thinking and simplicity often put them in trouble. They are forewarned against argumentative disputes, competitions which are unhealthy & drinks. They are hedonists and sometimes go out of the way in their pleasure-seeking. This may have effects which are damaging. While luxury do not appeal to them nor fanciful dresses They do love the mundane pleasures of life. They are quite attractive to women and appeal to them with strong feelings. They do enjoy family life thoroughly with wife and children. Great patience & perseverance are imparted by Saturn and their tolerance & patience level rise.
Beware of these diseases – Constipation – piles – nasal catarrh – sore throat – hipbone fracture – stomach troubles.
Nature – Fond of travel – grave – cruel – vindictive – dishonest – troubles through children.
Gemstone – Wearing Blue Sapphire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.
Alpha Scorpi : Thrikketta
They are born in a mercurial constellation and hence they are endowed with a mercurial temperament. They wax and wane and their life is marked by dire vicissitudes. They take decisions without thinking and this lack of forethought puts them in trouble. They are quite knowledgeable and they are likely to stay abroad. Their outlook is unique and their tolerance level is low when they deal with unpleasant and difficult situations. They will get a lot of relief if they speak out their problems with someone whom they trust. Independent outlook & strong will power are helpful to their progress. They do not go out of the way in pleasing people and
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