birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.
Alpha Pegasi : Poororuttathi
They are born in a Jupiterian constellation and all the qualities of Jupiter they are endowed with right from childhood. The triple Ps of Purity Patience & Perseverance and the great quality of resilience. Jupiter stands for Justice and they will do your very best to uphold the ideals of Justice. Jupiter stands for honesty & sincerity and for the alleviation of human suffering. They will have Divine Grace when they are confronted by a bad situation. They will crave for spiritual solace and will get it in need.
They are highly skilled which is conducive to professional enhancement. Their reputation will travel wide and they progress in the field of spirituality. They do not withdraw from any problem when they are involved in it. Their love and consideration always wins laurels.
Beware of these diseases – Diseases of private parts – eye-troubles -small-pox – heart troubles – low BP – dropsy.
Nature – Short-tempered – fond of friends – honest – sincere.
Gemstone – Wearing Yellow Sapphire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.
Alpha Andromeda : Uthrattathi
As gentlemen they stand on strong principles. They gain acceptance and respect from people more than from wealth. Impractical but straightforward clear thinking. They cannot be blind to religion or any other belief. Short-tempered persons by nature, they are practical and calm. If there is someone to encourage they can achieve still higher levels of performance.
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