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346 40

27. Zeta Piscium ( Revathi ) 346 40 360 00

The Effects of being born in the 27 Constellations

Birth Constellation is the constellation where the Moon is posited in your sidereal horoscope.

The Birth Constellation is all important as it rules your destiny. The K P System of Sidereal Astrology lays prime emphasis on the Birth Constellation. Here we give the effects of being born under different constellations. ( Those who do not know their Birth Star can email to )

Beta Arietis : Ashwini – Aswathy

Ashwini borns are self made men even though they get help generally from others. They may be opposed by their relatives. Devotion to the Almighty, good awareness , wisdom , high IQ, high MQ are expected. Their life will be plagued by problems and sometimes they who have been an adept in budget planning find it difficult to economise. They always think about the pros and cons before taking a decision Even their wife will not be able to change them if once they decide. Great sense of responsibility they exude. They find it particular to keep everything neat and clean. Prosperous life with wife barring minor rifts. They are strong with pleasing manners. They derive happiness from children. Their administrative ability surfaces but their tolerance level is low. They have deep sympathy for people. They are tormented by unnecessary worries from boyhood.

Beware of these diseases – Injury in the head – concussion in the brain- thrombosis- nose-bleed- fainting-

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