scandals. They will earn the love and affection of their relatives. Better period turns out to be the middle and second half. They do not get the same pleasure from children. They will spend for decorative items for their better half. They are weak-minded in certain areas and the levels of tolerance and patience are low. They are capable of finding faults with others but they are harmless. Urinary problems / problems connected with lungs possible. They have to incorporate patience & perseverance.
Beware of these diseases – Sore Throat – cough & cold eye-troubles ailments of legs and feet – apoplexy – menstrual trouble.
Nature- Good nature – pleasant manners – fond of music art & literature- enjoys the company of opposite sex – sweet tongued – flamboyant – many sons.
Gemstone – Wearing Moonstone can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.
Lamda Orionis : Makiryam – Mrigasira
Humility is the best credential for success in life and they carry out this principle to the very end. The second half of their life span will be very comfortable . They will have professional reputation and enhancement. Pivotal role will be played by mother in their life and progress. They do not blindly believe anybody even though they respect and listen to other’s opinions. A principled life appeals to you. They will have somebody to direct and control in the early period so that the path chosen becomes the correct one. They have to understand that the real cause of progress is their life partner. Mental strength is wanting and becomes upset by triflings. They believe that cleanliness is next
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