– fond of company of other’s wives – danger of accidents.
Gemstone – Wearing Hessonite can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.
Beta Geminorum : – Punarvasu – Punartham
They always rebel against anything unfair and untrue as they are a born gentlemen. They believe in fair play. Skill and luck combine to make them perfect artists. They tend to follow the philosophic path and give priority to respect and acceptance. Despite fiscal progress discord is rampant in the family atmosphere. They are easily pleased and irritated. They have to be careful about their words and speech. Health is good but there is an element of fear lurking around. They may be plagued by problems from children. They enjoy all the modern facilities of life. As they are born in a Jupiterian constellation there is Divine Grace and innate philosophical qualities. Jupiter gives wisdom and comfort and above all mental peace and a sense of fulfillment. Lord Rama was born in their star and all the qualities he had – viz the will to sacrifice patience purity and perseverance – they will have.
Beware of these diseases – Pleurisy – bronchitis – dropsy – stomach troubles – dyspepsia – lung troubles – headache – pains in the body eye troubles.
Nature – Sharp intellect- good memory – honest – sincere – reliable fond of business afraid of girls.
Gemstone – Wearing Yellow Sapphire can fortify the birth constellational lord and this will make them more fortunate.
Delta Cancri : Pushya Pooyam
They are skilled and efficient. Sometimes they work without any sense
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