Vedic Astrology Xxxiv
Vedic Astrology Lesson 34
Directional Influences
Nothing happens by itself. Everything happens by Cause. The Universal Law of Cause & Effect, the Law of Retribution, the Law of Nemesis, the Law of Action & Reaction is the grand Law of Causation, known to the philosophers as the Universal Law of Karma. Who can transcend the Universal Law ?
The system in VA which corresponds to this Universal Law is called the Dasa System, which is made up of planetary periods and subperiods and which extends to 120 years. Dasa is translated as the period of directional influence of the ruling planet. Inevitable effects are to be judged from Dasa ( Dasa prabhedena Vichinthayeth Dridam). Astrology is based on this Universal Law of Cause and Effect .
In his ignorance, Man transgresses the eternal Laws of Nature & wonders when her inexorable penalties are exacted. There is a mathematical law behind this physical Universe, which is conditioned in Space, Time & Causality. All events are connected by Time, all places are connected by Space & all effects are connected by Cause in the Space-Time-Causality equation.
Planets have got dualistic role and always the negative aspect of the ruling planet must be taken into consideration & divine remedial measures must be resorted to overcome the minus points of the Dasa ruler.
Philosophically Dasa represents the Prarabda Karma (the inevitable punishment imparted by