minutes of arc in the 800 minutes of Pushya, the balance Dasa can be calculated by the formula
Balance Dasa at birth = 19 years of Saturn Dasa * (800-600)/800
Vimshottari Dasa in Natal Astrology
Planet Years
Sun 6
Moon 10
Mars 7
North Node ( Rahu ) 18
Jupiter 16
Saturn 19
Mercury 17
South Node ( Ketu ) 7
Venus 20
Trisphuta Dasa in Horary Astrology
As important as Vimshottari is to Natal Astrology, so is Trisphuta Dasa to Horary Astrology. The Ascendant rules Life, the Moon the Body & Gulika , the satellite of Saturn, Death. The sum of these 3 longitudes is called the Triune Longitude or Trisphuta. Since Horary Astrology deals only the the current effects for one year, the span of Trisphuta Dasa is one Year. In Horary Astrology, the numbers assigned to the planets in terms of years is multiplied by 3 to get days ruled by the planet. So Sun gets 18 days, Venus 60 days, Moon 30 days, Mars 21 days, Rahu 54 days, Jupiter 48 days , Saturn 57 days, Mercury 51 days, Ketu 21 days etc. Here, instead of the longitude of the Moon, the longitude of Trisphuta ( Triune Longitude ) should be taken into consideration.
Balance Dasa at Birth = 57 days of Saturn Dasa * (800-600)/800
Planet Days
Sun 18
Moon 30
Mars 21
North Node ( Rahu ) 54
Jupiter 48
Saturn 57
Mercury 51
South Node ( Ketu ) 21
Venus 60
Article by G