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character of the Fourians is unique & known only to themselves.

They view all things from a totally different angle as opposed to the

ordinary people who view everything from a common angle. In every

argument they argue from the opposite side and because of this tendency

they gain a lot of secret enemies. They hate all laws and legal

frameworks & destroy all such laws. They oppose the rulers & always

establish their own kingdoms and republics. They always believe in the

freedom of expression & opinion. They are the people who are born on 4

13 22 & 31 They do not make friends easily. People with numbers 1 2

7 & 8 attract them. The Fourians do not succeed in the realm of material

prosperity like the others. If they save money or make money the way they

use it will astound everybody. From June 21 to July 21 and July 22 to

the end of August is the best time for the fructification of their efforts.

Their lucky days are Saturday Sunday Monday . If these days coincide

with the 4 13 22 31 1 2 7 10 11 16 19 20 25 28 29 these days will

be the most auspicious.

Their main drawbacks are that they are loners separated from this world

and because of that desperation and silence will result.

Your lucky Stone Hessonite

Your Lucky Day Saturday

Your Lucky Month April

Your lucky dates 4 13 22 & 31

Your lucky Colour Black

Martin Luther George Washington Lord Byron and Faraday were born

under this number.

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