Vedic Numerology Vi
Vedic Numerology – Lesson 6
Astrology, the Science of Time , was revealed to the Sages in yogic flashes
of heightened Consciousness. Numerology was developed by Pythagorus
and Vararuchi. When the two sciences combine , we have the beautiful
science of Vedic Numerology.
Six – ruled by the Fair Planet of Love & the Poet of the Solar Logos, Venus
Effects of Fadic Number Six
If the Sixian is YOU!
( Fadic Number is the number got after adding all the digits comprising your
date of birth ).
Your numerological number is 6 and you are ruled by
the fair planet,Venus. Venus represents the aesthetic element
and hence your tendencies will be towards drama, music & cinema
poetry and the arts. Venus represents the poet and philosopher.
Venusians love material life and the pleasures of the mundane.
Venus is defined as ” the fair planet that hearteneth to love” by
Dante. Attractive to the other sex , you will be endowed with
personal magnetism.
As you are under the sway of Venus, the arts will
have a tremendous influence on you. Poetry will flourish under
your guidance.
You are temperamental and moody at times. Venusians
are generally gentle and persevering people.
Your ability to talk your way through and influence
people will pay large rewards as many people will be influenced
by you. The personal magnetism which you generate will be felt
by one and all.
Your best and lucky day is