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Along with Jupiter and Saturn , Ketu play a promiment part in the

native attaining to Self-Actualisation. The South Node in the twelfth

house is preferable from the perspective of Nirvana. Ketu rules over

three constellations of the Sidereal Zodiac, Beta Arietis( Aswathi),

Regulus ( Makha ) & Lamda Scorpii ( Moola ).

More quality information about Vedic Astrology & an Astrological

Analysis can be had from

An Analytical Review


The zodiac sign representing this number is Scorpio.

( Do not confuse this with the birth sign in Astrology )

Scorpio is the sign of the Mystic the Investigator.Psychic

sciences attract them in no uncertain measure. They are al-

ways attracted to the mysteries of Nature.

Scorpians show tremendous resilience. They have the ability

to bounce back after being at the receiving end. Their det-

ermination and tenacity make them winners in the long run.

You do not care for the opinions of others and go ahead wi-

th your peculiar outlook on life. As you are stubborn and

show a bulldog spirit you are likely to have a lot of enem-

ies. You will be subjected to struggle, strife and sufferi-

ng as this constellation is fiery in nature and shows all

the qualities of the lord of war Mars.

Scorpio is ruled by Mars. In classical Astrology Ketu rese-

mbles Mars and hence this constellation is martian in natu-

re. As you are a Martian all the

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