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by nico t

Vedic Numerology Viii

Vedic Numerology – Lesson 8

In higher states of Consciousness, many scientific and philosophic truths

were cognised by the sages of India. They wrote it down and these came

to be known as the Vedas. Sciences like Astronomy, Mathematics,

Astrology, Numerology, Gemology — have their origin in this Encyclopaedia

of the Philosophic Sciences, the Vedas. By Vedas no books are meant.

They are the celestial truths cognised by Seers and which can be cognised

by anyone who cultivate the same spiritual discipline.

Effects of Fadic Number Eight

If the Eigthian is YOU!

( Fadic Number is the number got after adding all the digits comprising your

date of birth ).

Your Numerological Number is 8 and your Life Controller

is Saturn. People misunderstand them and because of that

they suffer mentally and become loners. They are people with

great individuality and depth in learning. If religious they

will take to Religion in a great manner. In order to win arg-

uments they destroy the opposition verbally and create a lot

of secret enemies.

They have great sympathy for the oppressed and show a lot

of laziness and lack of enthusiasm. They are extremists; that

is they are either very successful or great failures. There

is no middle course for them. These people always aspire for

greatness, strive for leadership and sacrifice their personal

comforts to maintain the high posts earned by them as a resu-

lt of their laborious endeavours. Anyway 8 is

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