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not a lucky nu-

mber; they will have to bear great ills, losses and humiliati-

ons.The ancient Greeks called this number the Number of Just-


Their best days are 8 17 & 26. If 4 13 22 31 coincide with

Saturday Sunday & Monday these days become very auspicious

Their best jewel is Blue Sapphire.It is very good for them if

they wear this stone.

The number 8 is made up of two circles and is the sum of 2

4’s. This was considered to be the great decision of Universal

Law which rules races and individuals. Saturn is also known

as the Planet of Destiny. It has relevence to both material

and spiritual aspects of Life. Revolution, Anarchy earthqua-

kes and all sorts of evil and uncommon events are represented

by this number. On the other hand Philosophy, Religious Fer-

vour, One-pointedness of Mind, determination – all these are

also represented by this number.They feel that they are diff-

erent from the rest and therefore unique. They lack happiness

People always misunderstand them. They also fail to reap the

good actions they have done in this life. But even then they

are admired after a long time.

George Bernard Shaw, King Alphonsa of Spain & Queen Mary were

born like you under this number and it will not be suprising

if anyone identifies similar characteristics in you.

More quality information about Astro-Numerology and a free Astro-

Numerological Report can be had from

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