Videoblog of DRD june 2007. A live clip of the DRD in performance from June 2, 2007. video by

Kulgrinda Prusian & Lithuanian Ritual Pagan Ethno Folk World
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Videoblog of DRD june 2007. A live clip of the DRD in performance from June 2, 2007. video by
Kulgrinda Prusian & Lithuanian Ritual Pagan Ethno Folk World
Video Rating: 5 / 5
I love it!
Great to see you guys last night at T’s celebration. You never cease to amaze me. People just can’t help but get up and dance when you are playing!
Glad to see you guys finally made it onto youtube! Can’t wait to see more. Although seeing you in person is always the best.
Amazing energy… A friend told me you guys were fantastic, she was so right!
Thank you for posting this.
@WschodniFolk Aš juokauju.
@rayleazle – Aš ne lenkas ir esu K?lgrinda draugas. Ir aš sakau, vardu lenkai – pasitraukti nuo kompiuterio ir eiti ? mišk? pasivaikš?ioti, jis gali atsikratyti pyk?io.
Hey you polacks! I got an Idea!
Jogaila was a Lithuanian by nationality. Now would you dare to give to Lithuania all the money you have his face on?
@shomeis I wish Poland could be similar in to you that case.
There are so many people in this ritual!
This gives me the feeling that Paganism isn’t aas “unpopular” as the media says.
It’s wonderful to see that the Ancient Ways are still remembered and practiced!
yes, that’s true. RADVILA, like ATILA, like RUGILA and like many visigothic kings’ names by the way.
This is a proper guide of what ancient Scythian (Sarmatian) – Thracian culture was.
jei vesiu antra karta tai tikrai ne toj prozydiskoj kataliku baznycioj, bet pas pagonis lietuvius:)
learn some history or stfu.
Not Radziwillas, but Radvila
beautiful video! its good to see other nations embracing their pagan roots and celebrating them publicly!
Thanks from Denmark!
poland is mistake …. Mistake of this world , stupid poor and selfish muther fuckers . Lithuania is Great . . . .
and if you using latin alfabet doesnt mean that you are latin isint it?
ok in kingdom of lithuania we were yousing old rusian (kirilica) latin or polish language in writing maters but because of that we dint became polish man ?
same if i say that since piast dinasty in poland there was no real polish blood king. So you became part of lithuania because Jogaila dinasty was roling you ?!
and for the cemetary thing you said there is link i can give to you because i cant post it here there is names in cemetary real Lithuanian names writen in polish way. thei just write lithuanian names in polish and its the fact thats how you cant find nothin lithuanian from taht time but if you look closely you will see
eh i dont want to tell to you all the stories how polish ocupants was kiling lithuanians in Vilnius area ok? And i wont start tell how they was destroing lithuanian relict in cemetary or in town .. warever :/ it is sad to remember but its important you to know how wrong human can be.
first in this area there is nothion polish . like river names or lake names or even town names if you spell town names in your polish wai dosent mean it became from poland
Go to every Lithuanian museum, in Troki castle too – everything older than 150 years had polish (or polish and latin) descriptions. And lithuanian are only plates where is told that real name of Radziwi?? is Radziwillas.
Walk around Wilno’s XIX century cemeteries and try to find lithuanian tombstones. Last year I have made it – maybe 5% had lithuanians descriptions.
Go tomorrow, check and keep results in mind. And it explains permament lithuanian efforts to destroy Rossa cemetery wit highway. Suspended construction of it is waiting at border of that cemetery.
Liaudiskas grigaliskas choralas. Tik artimesnis dusiai.
GaullistFan why jou so insane just shom me statistiks were jou got them ? if you got prof shom to me

Because around 1850y in Vilnius or around it was only 10%polish and another 10%vas so”called” polish so man were did you got this ?!