A special music video presentation of the song “Vision Quest”. Video footage from the Brulé & AIRO 2006 Holiday Tour. Editing and effects by Laura Liebl
The Metro Chicago, Illinos 10-26-2007
A special music video presentation of the song “Vision Quest”. Video footage from the Brulé & AIRO 2006 Holiday Tour. Editing and effects by Laura Liebl
The Metro Chicago, Illinos 10-26-2007
this is great! and i’m not even high!
Snider sounds like Keanu Reeves here
They are always in such a rush live… Slow down boys.
lmao thats exactly what i said after i saw them
god i wish i could remember seeing this…
Thank YOU! Someone finally realizes that, but then again this comment is from a year ago….
yea that’s very true
but thats what makes them so cool because he fits the vibe of the music so well.
i wish the singer would sing with more emotion, he always sounds tired, but besides that there a great band.
Erin tears those drums up like no other
so fucking good!!
Best song on the new record…
real tight song to toke to
my friend was at this show, she said it was amazing
i wish i couldve went
good (:
Amazing. I wish they would have played this in Pittsburgh. They had to skip a good few live staples because the club made them. They were pissed, as were the fans.
that was a great show
fucking incredible