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of creating that linkage between cause and effect, the mind opens to seemingly endless possibilities.  One after another the possibilities are explored and success probabilities are assigned to each alternative.  It is not unusual to visualize several variations of any given possible outcome each with a different likelihood of occurrence.  This is where the future is molded.  This is how visions are created!

Creating Visionaries

How can we use this knowledge of the visioning process to help our employees, at all levels of the organization, apply their vision capability to their work efforts?  We must generate INTEREST. Interest is the magnet that attracts the other three elements.  If there is no interest there will be little, if any, time invested in increasing knowledge beyond what is necessary to do the job today.  Without interest, people are oblivious to changes in their environment until they get hit with the proverbial 2”x4”.   As managers, we often fall victim to the same 2”x4”.that hits our employees.

Gaining Interest

How do we gain our employees’ interest?  Involve them!  Think back to a time when you asked one of your staff to help you with a project.  Unless you were asking for their help after you had already burdened them with more than anyone could reasonably handle, you will have noticed that their interest level increased, they were more animated, more energetic and more focused than they were a few minutes earlier.  Why?  Because they are becoming involved with something new and the vast majority of us want more variety in our lives including the workplace.  We also want to make a difference; involvement in a

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