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sanpedro curanderismo project… Visionary Shamanism by Jason Blaesing, Antoni Ansarov and Oscar Miro-Quesada Tentatively begun in the Summer of 2005, the “Visionary Shamanism” film project has steadily evolved in scope, depth, and the participation of interested persons and institutions. Currently, the project is documenting the lives of five healers — women and men — practicing in the Northern Peruvian curandero tradition. As living heirs to the beauty, power, and wisdom of this work their presence on-screen is a testament to the human story of healing and their animated relationship with the sacred in life and nature. The full participation of the world’s leading scholars of this tradition has further opened a contextual space to situate these stories for the viewer. We have been granted unprecedented access to archives of film and photography dating back to the late 19th century along with massive collections of undisplayed artifacts that depict healing in the pre-Columbian cultures that are the root of modern practice. In the course of gathering material for specific inclusion in the film, we are compiling an archive of the entirety of this additional material — including the full transcriptions of our interviews — to make available to scholars and researchers in various formats. Our vision for the final result includes the primary documentary film, along with a secondary film of educational material, a DVD archive of material, and a possible full-color book for

A trailer for a TV documentary on shamanism
Video Rating: 4 / 5

19 Responses to Visionary Shamanism: Ritual Healing in Peru

  • joannesel says:

    This has been an incredible undertaking to get this film made.
    My teachers and friends who have undertaken this are remarkable people who are dedicated to keeping the Northern Peruvian Curandero tradition alive.

  • dudecummon says:

    I’ll go a step forward and say that Christ himself WAS a shaman by most definitions. I’m sure I’ll get attacked for saying that out loud.

  • spinboy8989 says:

    I emailed them and they said they are looking to release it around hte new year. so we have a couple months left. they needed some more funding.

  • vegetalista says:

    still no sign of it… When i have free time i will look into it.

  • thisisdoom says:

    is this dvd release yet ?

  • biafrancoder says:

    Sure they forced our tribe to take christianity and told us that Judaism is Evil.

  • LionsInTheStreets says:

    f***k cristianity!

  • jacalexia says:

    Unfortunately christians performed heavy witchhunts all over the world, resulting in many of the old wisdoms being more or less exterminated. Even more unfortunately, many parts of the world were forced to adopt christianity as their new beliefs and way of life. Today we see a rebirth of the very wisdoms and traditions the shamans live and perform, but christianty still lurks in the shadows…

  • jacalexia says:

    Shamanism has been around for as long as humanity has been around. It’s the oldest spiritual practice there is. Christianity/catholicism is about 2000 years old.

    Which do you think imitates which…?

  • perron00 says:

    maybe they can help me out to heal from depression

  • perron00 says:

    but it dindt work maybe she was just a fake ,do you known any good curandero i can visit in lima Peru ?

  • perron00 says:

    this is a interesting video i visit once a curandero

  • vegetalista says:

    im not sure…

  • vegetalista says:

    This is a syncretic healing tradition. The shamans (or curanderros) themselves are catholic animists. so they work with a combination of catholic and traditional animist practices.

  • brightwhitelight1 says:

    Why does shamanism use catholic rituals and imagery?

  • spinboy8989 says:

    When is this coming out??

  • weirdiz says:

    Search Shamanicumpari + Enjoy !

  • DeathShamans says:

    father science will NEVER know, only mother intuition can take you here and father science must be left at the gate, for no mind or mental body can ever enter her mysterious, seeing and dimensional reality

  • are00eh says:

    Looks interesting. I would watch it.

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