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now.”    C.H.SPERGEON-” A lie will go round world while truth is pulling its boots on.” CABE RUTH –“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” CAESAR– “In war events of impotence are the result of trivial causes.” CAJAL –“The brain is a world consisting of a number of unexplored continents and great stretches of unknown territory.”     CALVIN & HOBBES –“You can’t just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood.”          CALVIN COOLIDGE –“Don’t expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong.” CALVIN COOLIDGE –“Governments are necessarily continuing concerns. They have to keep going in good times and in bad. They therefore need a wide margin of safety.”        CALVIN COOLIDGE –“I have never had to explain something that U didn’t say.”      CALVIN COOLIDGE –“Nothing is easier than the expenditure of public money It doesn’t appear to belong to anyone. The temptation is overwhelming to bestow it on somebody.”          CALVIN COOLIDGE –“There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, anytime.” CALVIN COOUDGE –“One of the first things a President learns is that everything he says weighs a ton.”    CALVIN TRILION – “Marriage is not merely shaving the fettuccini, sharing the burden of finding the fettuccini restaurant in the first place.” CAMPBELL –“The patriot’s bloods’ seed of freedoms.” CARA VICHKO– “These days, the

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