Me giving a group of friends a creepy demonstration in voodoo magic.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
A quick way to make simple voodoo doll
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Me giving a group of friends a creepy demonstration in voodoo magic.
Video Rating: 3 / 5
A quick way to make simple voodoo doll
Video Rating: 3 / 5
voodoo looks like $hit :/
nicee hair >:/
looks like u cut ur hair with those scissors
some one needs a new face!
You’re my newist idol!
i like ur vid but not ur hair
@holochief what difference does it make ??
@holochief fucking reatrd homophobe.are u crazy or wat?
@kidharris55 lol yea the other ppl only hate you cus they are affraid that you’ll make a voodoo doll of them xD POWER OF THE VOODOO sorry im hyper lolz^^
You Are A Pretty Cool Kid.FUck every 1 else that say shit about you…do your own thing.
@bipbeeze fucking retart fag are you a boy or girl
@bipbeeze fucking retart
you come get da voodoo
Very creative approach. Most would never think to use those items to actually make anything, much less a vodun doll. Good job!
oooooh you’re so cuuute!
That’s good for a little kid to make that.
You love tape dontcha kid?
Leave the kid alone. What is with you dumb fuckers out there picking on people. I have been picked on all my life. Get a life fuckers!!!!!!!
@rubyrocks808 uuuuhhh i think that kid’s actually a boy
love the hair bro
i jus wanted to learn how u make those ones u get for a dollar-theyre cute(;
ur so cute
its a boy didny u see his muscle shirt
it was great but its not what i was looking for sorry