I’m gonna make me a voodoo doll that looks a bit like you. I’m gonna stick pins in your eyes and break your legs in two. I’m gonna set fire to your hair and watch you scream and shout. I’m gonna feed you to my dog and let him pull your insides out. When you’re lying on the lawn all ripped and torn and you think you know what pains about That’s when I’ll show how little you know and get the mower out. I’m gonna lock you in my shed and black out all the light. I’m gonna feed you once a day with something you don’t like. But rest assured you won’t be bored cause each and every day I’m gonna get cruel with a power tool in a new and creative way. But ts not my wish for you to die that would really make no sense When I can keep you alive for my scientific experiments. I’ve never been a violent man its not my cup of tea. Live and let live has always been my philosophy I’m really not the sadistic type its just not what I do. But just this once I’m prepared to make an exception over you. I’m gonna build me a neutron bomb and stick it in the post. I’m gonna send you toxic jam and hope you spread it on your toast. And if all that fails to achieve the desired success. I’m gonna hire a hit-man and I’ll give him your address. But I’ll be nice and pay the extra price so you don’t depart this world too soon. So instead of a gun he’ll have some fun with a cheese grater and a spoon. I’m gonna send you a trojan horse and gain your access rights. I’m gonna sign you up to all the gay dating …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Sora and Roxas are just sitting and enjoying a game of guitar hero. Axel gets bored and walks into the other room, where he finds action figures of Sora and Roxas. Little does he know that they can control their every movement. Enjoy ^^ ~Cosplay101
Video Rating: 4 / 5
i freaking love this song
Totally awesome!!!!!!!!! Captures the way I’m feeling today…
sure np
Thanks. Glad you liked it.
hii this is awesome and sure catchy
Hello Dave, its karens nick, nice song good tune 2
lol at the inspiration. started to play guitar quite alot recently too, youll have to teach me some stuff next time i see you, happy new year nick, s, k and s
Thanks Rafa. My ex-brother-in-law was the inspiration.
Very catchy and nice tune; and the video is great too!… who was on your mind when you wrote this song? R
@CumbersomeWit ^^ kk!
@christineyoyop Well, i haven’t yet; i’m busy doing the NaNoWriMo comp and that’s enough writing for one month, believe me, but i’ll be doing this fic soon, and i’ll be sure to tell you where it is, kay?
@CumbersomeWit If you did whats it called? :O id love to read it in fanfic form
make a hair tutorial:D
BAD AXEL!!!!! lol XD this is soooo funny
it would be funny if it was riku and sora
@naruhinafan4ever1 if demyx was playing it’d be SITAR hero! oh oh oh, thats a knee slapper. XD
I am so writing a fanfiction to this.
And i’m subscribing to you like RIGHT NOW <3 xD
I love how roxas and sora start screaming at eachother!!
lmao i cant stop laughing XD
omg guitar hero!!! XD
ROTFLOL! I love the punching sounds that went along with this.
Aww this brings back memories of kindergarten.
I would make dolls kiss and then randomly fight too~
you should so do a part with sora and roxas getting revenge!mwahahahaha!go axel acting out yaoi with action figures!