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by accident! Nothing! Everything happens exactly and precisely as it does for reasons you can’t see. Some people often erroneously believe that God, in all of his/her/their/its multi-faceted splendor, hides our talent from us for reasons only known to him/her/them/it, or until at such time we are ready to use it for the glory and benefit beyond. Some also erroneously believe that the only way to access him/her/it is through prayer, church services, fellowship and various rituals. They further maintain and suggest that unless we pay homage, we will never be able to utilize our innate gifts. I beg to differ with these people.

Although, these forms of worship and supplications do serve a purposeful function, I dare propose that God is not hidden away somewhere waiting for us to address him at certain times, in certain places, in certain ways. He has no need of or in an open display of contained church acknowledgement or lip scripture worthy praise. That ritual is for the participant, alone. He is vividly displayed prodigally in nature through every single thought, object, feeling and expression man can possibly imagine. God/Goddess/Themness/Itness. The fact is: If you can see it, that’s God in fullness. If you can hear, taste, feel, smell, experience or imagine, it’s the form of god. Art expresses God/Goddess/Themness/Itness continually uncesasingly. God’s ineffable glory exists before you can utter it! And, is not increased because you do! Your hidden artistic talent lies in those repressed areas of your life where you were the most embarrassed, ashamed and guilt ridden. Wherever hesitation arises or regret blurs the doorway, this archway points the single direction for you. No other place of residence holds your name plate as

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