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does the event that most disappointed or dissolved your chosen direction. Doubt not that your unique expression of that singular event hides the ‘film to be precessed.’ Hurt, pain, and denial marks that which lies beneath. Proceed victoriously in the midst of your present confusion. Make the first step and the platform will build itself under your grounded feet.

No place exists you can not see, feel, hear, touch and experience God in fullness. If you are breathing, then you are breathing in God. You are first and foremost composed of and comprised of the divine energy of God. Everything you attempt to do or say is through that same divine energy. All of your works are expressed as God in a specialized operation. Even those works you care to forget. Inconceivable incidences, which are the unmistakable unexplained divine operations of your distinct mission in this life which can not be discounted, nor denied. What does this ever-evasive individual mission consist of? Every person, place, event, circumstance, situation, problem, relationship, success and failure which has added irresponsible flavor and texture in the constitution of the theme of your mission whose influence can not be dismissed. Through, ART, you are able to construct your particular magical slant on the world.

God expresses seemingly sporadically and unconditionally, no matter how horrific of devastating the blow appears in the unbalanced subject of intent manifests. All matters are perfectly balanced unified beauty. He/Her/Them/It exists in everything. Not a single quark is exempt. If you are able to visualize an unformed concept, of any dimension, you are experiencing and expressing God. God thoroughly expresses through us, in us, and around

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