Wands Court Cards in a Tarot Deck
Tarot card decks are divided into the Major and Minor Arcane. The Minor Arcane, which deals with everyday or common occurrences, is made up of fifty six cards divided into four elemental suits: Wands (fire), Cups (water), Swords (air) and Coins (earth). Each suit contains ten cards that start with Ace, followed by two then proceeding on to ten. Then there are four court cards: the Page, Knight, Queen and King.
The Ace of the suit sums up the overall theme. The numbered cards in the center clarify what has or will happen and what can be done. The personifications of the court cards represent ways we can exist in the world and how that tactic could benefit or harm us. In certain Tarot patterns, they represent real people- either ourselves or someone we interact with.
The suit of Wands carries overall themes of action, creativity and movement. Fire is the associated element and its presence indicates passion, energy and being tested. The court cards of Wands introduce characters that can be recognized externally or internally. They are more concerned with attributes then occurrences. Occurrences can be gleamed from other cards and approached with the knowledge of what court card personality will be available to take on the situation.
The Page of any suit is spontaneous and pleasure oriented like a young child. The Page of Wands is all about passion for life. Internal energy can provide the fuel for conquering fears, habits and achieving freedom. This card is assertive and carries confidence and action. The card will normally not come up in relation to an event- usually referring to either yourself or another person.
The Knight of Wands is warm, generous,
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