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energetic, humorous, optimistic and enthusiastic. There is also a morality to this knight in shining armor including a desire to protect the vulnerable. Dragons can be slain, doubts torn to bits and obstacles put behind you if this card comes up in your Tarot reading. He does have a tendency to swing from one extreme to another and balance can be a key to make sure his energy doesn’t become a runaway train.

Determination and ambition mark the Queen of Wands. This card normally comes up in a Tarot reading after significant traumas have taught valuable lessons. Loyal, honest, proud and forceful The Queen makes a good friend but strong foe. Her presence can signify to do absolutely anything if the will is great enough. She is as capable as the King but has the quiet force of feminine energy.

The King of Wands carries some of the same morality and nobility as the Knight. The King is connected with nature, mature, faithful and realistic. He has the strength to move through the obstacles of life while picking up the weak and carrying them on his back. There can be a delay of action associated with this Tarot card stemming from an inability to wisely pick battles and overanalyzing. Overall, the King is masculine strength and capability personified.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for magic, art, and Tantra. You can find the best marketplace for magic, art, and Tantra at these 3 sites for magic, art, and Tantra.

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