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Want to Make your Guy Feel Warm and Fuzzy?

Don’t tell him you love him – use one of these four even more touching sentences.


The kiss. The long, deep, knowing look into the eyes. Then: ‘I love you.’ Then: ‘Oh, I’m sorry, what were you saying? I must have drifted off.’


When it comes to communicating your affection to a guy, whispering sweet nothings is nice and all, but it’s not actually what men want.


It’s a bit like when we go shopping with you and you’re trying on shoes. We look like we’re paying attention and agreeing, but really we’re thinking about which, hypothetically speaking, would win a fight between a grizzly bear with a chain saw strapped to its chest and a pit bull that’s been given steroids. I reckon the grizzly bear, but only just. In other words, we tend to zone out.


If you really want to make us feel special you need to translate the sentiment into guyspeak and say things that’ll really make us swoon. Like these four simple sentences:


‘You Dance Really Well’


Ever since our first school disco, where we swayed awkwardly to Bon Jovi’s ‘Bed of Roses’ while trying not to poke you in the legs with our erections, we men have feared dancing. The truth is we think of dancing as an unpleasant but unavoidable ritual that we have to go through before we get laid. A bit like dinner and a movie, or talking.


So instead of saying something like ‘You are the wind beneath my wings’, choose rather to nullify years of insecurity and doubt we’ve had about our dancing by telling us that our wild-monkey shuffle is a little bit of disco magic.


‘I didn’t really get Sex till I met You’


We don’t really want you to have slept with

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