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the other. You can’t possibly imagine what it will feel like to cease ‘seizing control’ until after having experienced the liberty associated. You and the other will grow exponentially.

The reoccurring situation itself holds vital lessons for you both to experience. {The first one being to hold yourself back from stepping in and taking over!} Latent gifts that you possess, not yet actualized or expressed will surface to enable you to process the “please rescue me” or “I need to be rescued” event until it passes. Then, there will be other times when you will come to realize and appreciate the pain involved as so necessary, cleansing and beneficial. That’s when the pain {of being the one who says or having to be the one told “NO”} serves as a means to balance and not hinder your path.

You are living in a state of denial and anger. Whether or not the anger is visually expressed does not matter. The debilitating results are the same. Now is the time for you to forgive. “What is there to forgive IF no one has ever done you wrong?”Forgive yourself for believing you were ever in need of anything or that someone else needed you. Forgive yourself of the need and desire to appear ‘good.’ Let yourself and the other ‘off the hook.’ Let go of the idea that anyone at any time has wronged you or that you have in some wronged another. Not possible. It’s just some more of that ‘goody two shoes’ garbage seeping in. Give a more humorous and light-hearted slant to whatever you choose to artistically create with all that energy you’ll have left over after getting out of the business of other folks. You really don’t have to be so foreboding, UNAPPROACHABLE, demanding and

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